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Cluster Working Group on Communications

Members of the DIVERSify, DiverIMPACTS, Diverfarming, ReMIX, LegValue and TRUE projects met on the 1st of September 2020 to discuss our plans to communicate the work and outcomes of the cluster joint activities.

All six cluster projects have contributed to news items on the cluster website and assisted in advertising various internal and external meetings and conferences to members of the cluster projects. This included facilitating sessions at a meeting of the cluster projects on 31st August 2020.

The group have established a shared internal workspace for the six projects to circulate documents and other information, and updated the external website for others to view the work of the cluster. The communications working group will also help to develop a legacy plan for the cluster to ensure crop diversification efforts continue when the six projects come to an end.

Contact: Beatrix Keillor, James Hutton Institute, UK, Beatrix.Keillor(at)

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